Monday, February 14, 2011

On Jet

Jet's first song on their album Shine On is titled "L'esprit de l'escalier". Only today do I decide to look up just what that means. It's a very interesting phrase that revolves around thinking of a great punchline far too late. This is done in the music in the sense that this track is a short sample of the last song on the album. Maybe it's backwards, I don't know.

But leave it to the French to coin a phrase that means this oddly specific scenario. Somehow I find it resonating with me, though a specific example of me experiencing this I just can't find. I think it's on a much more grandiose level. Superficially, when trying to impress, I fancy myself as being quit-witted, verbose, if vapid. For real decisions or discussions I'm a very slow, methodical person.

So perhaps this phrase applies to me not in the quick "punchline" sense, but in the slowest sense. It's almost as if I've turned the phrase over upon itself. Heck, maybe everyone can relate to this phrase, and it's not special to me at all. That's likely.

There's more to this, I know. I'm sure I'll be thinking about it.

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