Tuesday, January 18, 2011

On Stereotypes

I had a Stuff White People Like calendar last year, and I saved some of my favorites (most of them are from the second half of the year). Here I'll put them down as I toss them in the trash. Is it obvious that I'm trying to clean up around here?

Platonic Friendships
High School English Teachers
Self-Deprecating Humor
Trying Too Hard
Nintendo Wii
Avoiding Confrontation
The Office
Not Vaccinating Children
Pulp Fiction
Demetri Martin
Vespa Scooters
Adult Swim

On College Rivalry

I've been sitting on this one for a long time, and I want to throw the letter away, so here goes!

I've gotten mail a few times advertising trips to the South Pacific for upcoming UGA students or current ones. I am not a UGA student. I don't care. ...But there is a funny quote in the note that I've always liked:

"I have learned more here than in the rest of my time at UGA."

And that's it.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Blagging about this Webzone

I just wanted to make that title. It's funny, just like this nearly 2-hour review of the last Star Wars prequel.

...And now after watching it, I am very happy. It was worth every second, and for way, way more than just seeing someone bash Revenge of the Sith. What I love about Plinkett's criticism is when he compares it something good. It helps you appreciate what's so wonderful about films you enjoy. It helps you point out, quantify, or just feel those small parts of moviemaking that often go unnoticed.

Of course, "unnoticed" doesn't mean the effect isn't felt. You still understand Darth Vader because of the characterization around him. You connect with Luke because of how the story is laid out. But after these extremely long and detailed looks at the prequels, you see when it's done and, especially, when it's not. You see how it's done and how it's not. What went wrong, and what went right.

And that's why I'll be watching whatever he puts out in the future. Absolutely.

Kinda want some pizza rolls...