Monday, January 16, 2012

On Birthdays Again

I'm 23, which, when you think about it, is probably the first really lame age you can be. Up until 21, you're either single-digits or earning privileges or something. Even 22 has a nice symmetry to it. But 23? Snooze... Also, extremely relevant.

I did a little experiment for this day: I removed my birthday from public view on Facebook. At first glance, that might seem like a cynical test how little we know each other nowadays, but it's not. It was really just for kicks and so I could say I did it here. Quite selfish, actually.

Not one person posted on my wall today about it, except the one I approached (my birthday buddy). I was surprised. I thought maybe a few would that knew, but none. I suppose the price to pay for getting a birthday wrong for someone is much higher than getting a token congratulations right. But "token" is so not the right word.

I said this wasn't a cynical idea, and I meant it. I don't find the flooding of birthday posts hollow or even unwanted. I like them a lot, because they present a fine opportunity to reconnect with someone, if briefly. In this age where we have the capability to speak to anyone, anytime, we choose not to with the vast majority of people we know. We choose to limit ourselves. But birthdays seem to be those occasions to branch out a bit, and I relish the rekindled sparks of friendship.

So it's a lame birthday number (23) and I didn't get a Facebook flood. I woke up at noon after playing Dota 2 until 3 AM. I bought food at Target. The day and this entire weekend is overshadowed by the fact that I've got a career fair on Tuesday and Wednesday to go to. I've got to be sharp and know things. I've got to show I'm worth something. It's an important event that's hard to get off your mind if you want to enjoy yourself. Think I did, though.

Katy offers to do something, and I'm glad she did. I tried new food and saw The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. Both were fun and exciting, and the latter something that will definitely stick with me. I'll be buying that one on DVD. I want it. I'm also quite thankful of the cookbook she got me. I suppose now I can actually do something with the stuff I got for Christmas. Or, at least, I have no excuse not to. ;-)

I found it odd that the titular girl in the movie is 23 herself. Maybe it's not so bad, eh?


  1. I kind of hate when people flood my wall on facebook on my birthday. I always wonder if I am just another daily facebook task to cross off their list or if they genuinely wish me a happy day.

    1. Aww, like I said in the post, I enjoy it a bit. I mean, it can look like a checklist, but I don't always find it an empty gesture. I guess it CAN be for some when I respond (usually to each one) and they don't say anything back. But I really enjoy the catching up that happens when someone opens up a line after a good long time.
