Thursday, November 10, 2011


I would just like to throw out there that I (and surely others) are so. completely. with you when you branch out in the podcast space or dabble in a non-hilarious topic. I loved, loved, loved Penn's episode and his interesting insights (and chimp). I enjoyed Tom Green talking about little idiosyncrasies that I completely relate to. I like it when a hostful gets serious for a stretch and we get a little insight into you guys.

I'm talking about when you branch out and connect the various forms of entertainment outside of "comedy podcast" (TAL, Ben Folds, StarTalk, for example). It reminds me of how intertwined some of these groups are and how nerdiness seeps into seemingly everything. Birbigs was one. Neil deGrasse Tyson was another. You have no idea how excited and giddy and happy I get when Tyson gets you into that mental state of understanding about the nature of the cosmos and our interaction with it. And you two definitely held your own in knowing some of the science!

This podcast is single-handedly getting me to go out, see comedians, and consider what they're currently doing in other areas. It's got me actually checking when/if they come to Atlanta (not that often...). I consider it a long-form, friendly "presentation" of a person, rather than a book or TV promo, and it works so much better than 3 minutes on Letterman.

Bravo to you all for making me laugh so, so much and also for the times when you do something a little different.

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