Every time I sit down to reply to one of these, I think I'll make it short. Then I start, and I just can't do it!
"I can say that all I need to believe is in the Bible; I don't need to look at other claims and hold them up to the light together to examine which one holds more water."
At many points in this reply you have practically said that you cannot be moved from your position and that your faith in the Bible being absolutely true is unwavering. This is the epitome of intellectual dishonesty. I have never and will never say that I will not change my position on any subject. I am always open to new evidence on any issue that could change my mind. You should do the same, or this conversation is entirely meaningless.
Additionally, so much of what you said is completely meaningless as an argument because you continually pre-suppose that your god exists. You haven't demonstrated that! You haven't come close to that! You can't take the next step until you actually show me a convincing reason why your god, and no other, is the only one in existence.
It's pointless for me to start describing the character of my invisible friend and try to convince you that she wrote an awesome book when I we don't even agree that she exists.
Your "reason" for your faith uses circular logic over and over again. What I mean by this is that you point to the Bible as true and put your trust in it without ever telling me WHY it is true. You're basically telling me the Bible is true because the Bible is true. Hopefully it's obvious how silly that is as an argument.
"It wouldn't make sense for the Bible to be full of loose ends that need to be cleared up by anything else externally..."
This is exactly the point. It DOESN'T make sense that the Bible and your faith have flaws, but they do. You choose to, illogically, give your holy book a pass on the standards by which you judge anything else, and for no reason other than it needs a pass to get by. Do you see what you're saying?
You're approaching the issue completely backwards. You're starting from the premise that the Bible is the one true guide to God and fitting everything around that idea, making special arguments for your book that you would not for any other holy book. The proper method is to look for the evidence that this book is divinely inspired before assuming anything about its contents, just like you do about any holy book you don't believe in.
When I bring up Islam or Greek gods, I'm doing it to point out how your arguments can be equally applied to them, rendering the points moot. You do know that there are thousands of religions and sects that believe they are the ones with the right answer, right? And that all others will burn/suffer/die?
"God has not taken to Himself any son, nor is there any god with Him: For then each god would have taken of that which he created and some of them would have risen up over others." (23:91)
That's from the Quran.
"In the name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate.
Say (O Muhammad) He is God the One God, the Everlasting Refuge, who has not begotten, nor has been begotten, and equal to Him is not anyone." (112)
This took a 5-second Google search. Try it yourself on practically any god claim!
Did you honestly not think that other religions specifically denounce all others? Did you really think Christianity was alone in this regard? Maybe now it's a bit more clear what I'm saying. Muslims read those passages and can say THE EXACT SAME THINGS AS YOU regarding how their holy book obviously proves them right. How do we go about figuring out which one of you is correct? You agree that you both can't be.
And if you don't even want to go to another religion, just think of the numerous sects of Christianity that mutually believe themselves, and only themselves, have the right interpretation of the Bible. Have you examined them all to know which one has the right of it? How would you know? What sect are you, even?
Again, I haven't looked at all religions in history (a daunting task) because none of them have popped up with great evidence for their claims. You, however, believe because your holy book says it's the right one, just like millions before you with contrary claims.
"I do believe that my experiences are His works. I understand that you can't trust mine, because you don't have the same perspective and the same experiences as I have. I can do my best to articulate them to you, but I know it's not going to get you your personal relationship with God. I hope, however, that it makes you wonder why."
Your experiences don't convince me in the same way that a Muslim's personal experience with Allah doesn't convince you. Think about that. Think about why.
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