Sunday, October 31, 2010


A post I made on Reddit. I hope it gets some attention, because I think it's important.

With all the buzz from the rally, I have a question: does Jon Stewart the comedian conflict with Stewart the activist?

I've been having an argument with someone who's not a Jon Stewart fan or a fan of rally, about its purpose, significance, and political leaning. Beyond Yusuf and other things, one specific point that strikes true is Stewart's divided position in all this.

Stewart's statement at the end of the rally was heartfelt and a sentiment I feel many in the US share. Politics is divided, derisive, and distracting. Enough attack ads and hackery; stick to the important issues. Do it civilly. Do it for America, not for reelection.

But Stewart actively subverts this end with his show, to some extent. He made an excellent point in Crossfire[1] about the show's flaws, but so did the host critique The Daily Show. In essence, the argument was that important news shows on politics do not do their job of enlightening viewers to facts and politicians' positions on issues. The host countered with the same accusation towards The Daily Show. "Puppets making crank phone calls" and "comedy show" can't hold water forever, and especially not with increased activity on the activism front.

Stewart can't simultaneously pander to politicians on his show and "Fuck you"[2] everyone while keeping a straight face in that speech, can he? Even if it's comedy... Maybe the Obama interview was better, less pandery, though.[3]

I love this man, I really do, but there's a disconnect here. Is The Daily Show subverting John Stewart's pleas for political understanding?

Important links:

[1] Jon Stewart on Crossfire + Quotes from interview with John Kerry

Thursday, October 28, 2010

On Digital Legos

The Minecraft server in which I've poured hours and hours into may be getting wiped for updates, corruption, the works. It's got me a little depressed.

I mean, I knew this game was in Alpha, and I read that Notch said not to get attached to what you build. But I think I did.

Or, at least, I didn't have the extreme fragility of the world in my mind when playing. I assumed, given the massive infrastructure and buildings around me (the bank, roads, abundant resources, gigantic castles, tiki statue) that this was built to last. Since I came in and bought the game a bit later than others, I assumed this had gone on long enough to be assured it would remain intact. Or, at least, be informed before it all came crashing down.

But now it might all be wiped. There are positives to this, of course: I can explore the world myself this time, claim my land, help build up communal areas. That's great; that's fine. But I'll have to recollect resources, too. And rebuild anything I liked. And, at this point, have nothing to show for all my previous time.

What would make this all okay would to be able to get on once more and record my creations. If that can't happen, at least I can remember what I did...

  • Built a cozy wooden house on the shoreline
  • Built underground water channels
  • Created a farm outside my house
  • Created an underground resource and storage center
  • Built a large underground staircase with flowing water
  • Started an underwater lake, but didn't finish
  • Built a tree house; burnt it down
  • Built a path from spawn to my house, under my house, and past it
  • Built a cool structure out in the water that became the entrance to my mine
  • Built a large Chess board over the water, with piece designs and a high view point
Of course, I have to wonder what the guys who made massive pyramids and floating fortresses are feeling right now. I guess a lot of my time is in resources that didn't have much to show for themselves yet.

The biggest thing I hope for is that this isn't a regular occurrence. I hope my interest in pure creativity isn't hindered by instability.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

On Medicine

Going into any place of medicine puts me in my mental state of most unease. I despise it. So, so much.

It's a reminder of mortality, of the fragile, fragile state of our existence. That no matter the power of love, art, beauty, discovery, or will, if you get sick, you're sick. You can look at the receptionist all you want: she's feeling well today, and you're not. Such is the unfortunate state of the physical form.

It's not even the sterile environment. In this place, it's how nice and comfortable everything is. It's like the room is trying to distract you from the reality and potential severity of where you are and why you're there. However, I understand why. It's not like I can live dwelling on things like this. It's a necessity to provide pretty paintings, flowers, and nice patterned seats for people to...

A depressed me would say "cling to". Right now, I'll just say "enjoy".

Perhaps this stems from the fact that I almost never went to the doctor as I grew up. To get shots, sure, but the dentist was the only regular visit (and I still get a toy when I go, though I now have to say it's for my sister). It usually is, though. I don't need another bouncy ball.

I've never been inoculated against tragedy, you know. It's not like I'm asking for it, though. (Though, in the colloquial sense, I sure am...)

There's more to say, but I'm procrastinating as it is.

Monday, October 18, 2010

On Capricorn and the Future

1. It's Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Were you aware?

Now I'm all for promoting... I guess, awareness of important issues like this, including giving money for research into finding a cure and all that. I mean, who could possibly be against such a thing?

I just have a problem with the unfortunate state of other cancers. You're never going to see a Colon Cancer Awareness Month, or, if you actually do, it won't be nearly as popular. Brown ribbons just don't fly as well as pink. I guess I'm bothered that money and attention (Go Tech) is spent on issues with such frivolous impetus or meaning. Breasts are often objects of sexual desire. Great. Brain tumors and Leukemia are pretty bad, too.

But, shit man: tits!

I won't go into nor do I know the numbers on what's worse; that's not the point. It's just that focus shouldn't be swayed on something so irrelevant or silly.

Also, it irks me a bit that there's this sly, reserved sexual undertone to the whole thing. It's got women being coy in the name of "awareness", while everyone acknowledges how lovely breasts are in suggestive ways. It's cute, I guess, but do cut the crap eventually. I fear this just gives another reason for women to have repressed, withheld desires, or, rather, perpetuate the idea that they should. Because, if you do, you can use it as a means to an end, whether to get a free beer or a nice dinner. Lame.

2. This Cracked article hits pretty much every issue I'm concerned with in the future. I highly recommend it.

It's almost too much to hit in one post, and since I don't have a semblance of an answer (neither does he), I'll just let the link stand for itself. Someday I'll talk about that.